A schedule will be provided in the enrollment confirmation packet. The weekly schedule is tailored with subjects such as writing, number concepts, logic reasoning, coding, outdoor science, community and our solid phonetic reading program.
An example of our daily routine include:
We are Christians desiring to reach out to the world and as a consequence have founded the school! Support will be shown for any form of religious expression to the child and his/her family, i.e. dietary restrictions, holidays, etc. We welcome every faith but will not withhold our beliefs in content, activities or expression. Chapel is daily, which is a great emotional bond with God, in an expression of thankfulness.
Our basic intent is to empower the children to make wise choices about eating healthy. Your child’s brain growth and nutrition are very important to us.
We ask that healthy, balanced meals and four components for snacks daily.
We refrigerate the lunch bags, and heat up the meals that require it.
Example of a Balanced Meal Contains
Protein (meat, tofu, beans, peanut butter)
A Starch (bread, noodles, crackers, rice or potatoes)
Half a plate of fruits or vegetables
A source of calcium (milk, cheese, or yogurt)
My Plate Kid’s Place
Team Nutrition – Child Nutrition Program
Hawaii State Women, Infant, Children (WIC)