08 Mar Should You Invite Kids To Your Wedding?
Children can be the heart and soul of your wedding, but they can also be disruptive and chaotic. You are going to have to decide if your wedding day is going to be an adult only.
With Kids:
Children are the lifeblood of family life, and family is what a lot of weddings are about. Their presence may be the only way you and your family feel comfortable. You may not want to force your guests with children to leave home without them. Some people may refuse to attend without their children. You may not want to create tension between you and guests with children.
If it is a second marriage, you and your loved one may already have children. Leaving them out of the ceremony may leave you with an uneasy feeling. You may find it impossible to celebrate without your children.
If you decide to invite children to the wedding, you may try to have a separate area for them. You could arrange for a room with a babysitter, if the reception is at a hotel. In a separate area, the children could enjoy some more interesting activities such playing with toys and playing games with each other. The separate “kids” area would enable parents to check on their kids periodically.
Without Kids:
Children out of control can quickly turn your wedding into chaos, which is exactly what you would like to avoid. The less people attending the more you save. No kids at the wedding mean fewer mouths to feed. Many parents will welcome the opportunity to have a night off without their children. It allows them to relax without their kids, an opportunity many parents scarcely get.
To avoid loosing couples with kids due to a no kids policy wedding, you may offer a baby-sitting option. You can arrange for a babysitter at a friends house.
You may find the unpredictable nature of children amusing, while others may find the idea of children at their wedding terrifying or annoying. Whatever your personal opinion of kids may be, one way or another they are going to have to be part of your wedding planning strategy.
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